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エンティティ名 | 用途・備考 | Linked Pipeline | Shotgun description | ||
Assets | 基本 | アセット | 基本となるAssetページ | Blendshapes Elements Mocap Takes Parent Assets Scenes Sequences Sub Assets |
Used to track the things that have to be built to be used in the project. We do not mean all the digital files generated on disc, but rather the abstract concepts of things that are built, such as "characters", "vehicles", "props", "environments", etc. We use the "type" field to distinguish the Assets from each other. That field is just a list that can be edited by an admin. Assets have Tasks, which define the work that needs to be done on each asset. Assets can be linked together via the "Parent Asset" and "Sub Asset" fields, which are many to many entity links. |
Asset Libraries | - | アセットライブラリ | アセットライブラリとして使用します。ローカルのメタデータ情報の管理も含みます。 | 無し | Used to group Assets together if you need to store extra meta data on each group. |
Blendshapes | - | ブレンドシェイプ | ブレンドシェイプTaskの管理 | Assets | |
Cameras | - | カメラ | カメラTaskの管理 | Mocap Takes | Used to track meta data on cameras, most often for mocap workflows. |
Candidates | - | 候補者 | 採用関連Taskの管理 | 無し | Often used for recruiting purposes to track people and meta data about those people. |
Client Users | 基本 | クライアントユーザー | Client Review Site を利用できるクライアントユーザー。ライセンス数とは関係ない。 | 無し | |
Custom Entities01- 50 | 基本 | カスタムエンティティ | 必要に応じて設定できるEntityのテンプレート | 無し | You can rename this custom entity and use it to track whatever type of data you want. This type of custom Entity is associated with a single project. To track entities that DON'T require a project association, use the "Custom Non Project Entity" type. Read more in the documentation. |
Custom Non Project Entities01- 30 | 基本 | カスタムエンティティ(プロジェクト以外) | 必要に応じて設定できるEntityのテンプレート(プロジェクトに紐づかない共通のエンティティ) | 無し | You can rename this custom entity and use it to track whatever type of data you want. This type of custom Entity is NOT required to be connected to a single Project. To track entities that DO require a project association, use the "Custom Entity" type. Read more in the documentation. |
Custom Threaded Entities01-15 | 基本 | カスタムエンティティ(スレッド) | 必要に応じて設定できるEntityのテンプレート Ticketsと同様のスレッドエンティティ |
無し | This "threaded" custom Entity type has To and CC |
Cuts | - | カット | Shotsの代わりに使用するエンティティ | Sequences Scenes |
Tracks information from editorial, usually on Sequences. You can link multiple Versions to build your Cuts and then track the Cut-specific information (Cut In, Cut Out, Cut Duration, Cut Order, Cut Comments) on the CutVersionConnection. |
Deliveries | - | デリバリー | データ、プログラム、物品の納品タスクを管理するためのエンティティ | 無し | Used to track information about files and other data sent to and from the studio from outside partners and vendors. Deliveries work a lot like Notes and Tickets, with detail pages that support comments and email notifications. You can learn more about how to use Deliveries here. |
Elements | - | エレメント | 撮影データタスクのトラッキング。一般的にプレートと呼ばれる素材。Assetsページを使用する場合もある。 | Assets Shots |
Used by FX studios to track photographic material that comes from a live action shoot. Types of Elements would be "Reference", "Plates", etc. Some studios opt to use Assets instead of Elements. |
Episodes | 基本 | エピソード | エピソード用のTask設定 | Sequences | You can rename this custom entity and use it to track whatever type of data you want. This type of custom Entity is associated with a single project. To track entities that DON'T require a project association, use the "Custom Non Project Entity" type. Read more in the documentation. |
Fields | 基本 | フィールド | フィールドの一覧 | 無し | |
Files | 基本 | ファイル | アップされた各種ファイルの一覧 | 無し | |
Groups | 基本 | グループ | グループ設定一覧。 グループ単位でタスクやノートの通知が可能。 |
無し | Groups are lists of people that are used when assigning Tasks and addressing Notes. A Group can contain 1 or more people, and a person can belong to more then one Group. Deleting a Group doesn't delete the individual members of the Group. |
Launches | - | ローンチ | Sequenceと同じようなグループのひとつ。 | Scenes Shots |
Used by some feature animation studios as a way to group shots that will progress together down the pipeline. Because some shots in Sequences are held back for various scheduling reasons, this provides another way to group the Shots. |
Mocap Passes | - | モーキャプパス | Mocap関連 | 無し | Used by some motion capture studios to organize and schedule parts of the script that will be captured at one time in the mocap volume. |
Mocap Routine | - | モーキャプルーチン | Mocap関連 | Performers | Similar to Mocap Passes, some mocap studios use this to break down the script into logical chunks that will be captured at one time in the mocap volume. |
Mocap Setups | - | モーキャプセットアップ | Mocap関連 | 無し | Tracks information for each set of mocap takes. |
Mocap Takes | - | モーキャプテイク | モーキャプ撮影の出演者の情報管理です。MocapTake とリンクされます。 | Assets Cameras Performers Physical Assets |
Tracks data recorded in a mocap session on a group of performers per take. Some studios track a take per Performer, while some track the data for all Performers in the volume at the same time. |
Mocap Take Ranges | - | モーキャプテイクレンジ | Mocap関連 | Shots | A custom entity used by one mocap studio to track specific frame ranges per Take. |
Performers | - | パフォーマー | モーキャプ撮影の出演者の情報管理です。MocapTake とリンクされます。 | Assets Cameras Physical Assets |
Used to track information about the actors in a mocap shoot. You can store information like gender, weight, description, thumbnail, etc. Takes are then linked to the Performer. |
People | 基本 | ピープル | アカウントを持つユーザーの管理ページです。 | Projects | Used to store information about an individual account holder in SG. A Person must have a unique login (not case sensitive), and be assigned to a permission group (artist, manager, or admin). |
Phases | - | フェーズ | Project Timeline ページとリンク | Projects | |
Physical Assets | - | フィジカルアセット | 小道具の管理 | Mocap Takes | Created for mocap studios who need to track physical assets used during a capture, often linked to a digital Asset. |
Pipeline Configurations | - | パイプライン構成 | Toolkit利用時にファイルサーバー内のプロジェクトデータまでのパス情報が記録されます。 | 無し | |
Playlists | 基本 | プレイリスト | Versionを連結させた再生リスト | Versions | Used to organize Versions into lists for creative review. For Playlists to work, the Versions entity must also be turned on. Versions can then be created for other entities (like Asset and Shot) to track the progress on that entity, submitted by an artist for review. You can learn more about how to use Playlists and Versions here. |
Projects | 基本 | プロジェクト | プロジェクト一覧 | 無し | Most work in Shotgun is organized into Projects. Every entity has a "Project" field that links that entity to the Project. People can also be linked to more then one Project, which defines permissions and is used to create crew lists. |
Publish Events | - | パブリッシュエベント | 自社のアセット管理システムと連携させる場合に使用するエンティティ | 無し | Used to integrate Asset Management Systems (AMS) with SG. For each publish in the AMS, a record can be created in Shotgun to track key meta data. These records can then be seen in context of the entities tracked in SG. For example, you can make a "Publishes" tab on a Shot detail page that shows all publishes related to each Shot. Common fields on Publish Events are Person, Comment, Links (entities), and Path. |
Published Files | 基本 | パブリッシュファイル | ToolkitでPublishされたファイル情報の一覧 | Rivisions Versions |
Tracks data published by Pipeline Toolkit and/or any asset management system. For each publish, a record can be created in Shotgun to track key metadata, including who published the file(s), the type of file(s), the path to the file(s), etc. |
Published File Dependencies | - | パブリッシュファイルディペンデンシー | Publishファイルの依存関係を記録するエンティティ | 無し | Used to track the connection between Published Files(s) that are dependent on one another. Published Files have both upstream (i.e. Published Files that its dependent on) and downstream (i.e. Published Files that are dependent on it) dependencies. |
Published File Types | 基本 | パブリッシュファイルタイプ | Publishされたファイルのタイプ (MayaScene,3dsmax Scene など) |
無し | Used to track the different types of publishes in Pipeline Toolkit and/or any asset management system. Published File Type is a non-project entity, so these records can be accessed from any project (as they are likely to be reused across different projects). Pipeline Toolkit is aware of the "Restrict to Projects" field on this entity as a means of designating certain Types for use only in certain specified projects. |
Releases | - | リリース | ソフトウエア開発タスクを管理するエンティティ | Tickets | Used for software development in conjunction with Tickets to track major milestones. |
Revision | - | リビジョン | Subversion、Perforce、Gitとなどと連携をとる場合に使用 | Tickets | Used to integrate code repository systems, such as Subversion, Perforce, or Git. Revisions are linked to Tickets. Integration is accomplished via our API by adding a post check-in hook into your code repository system that talks to Shotgun and creates records for each check-in so they can be seen in context of Tickets. |
Rv Licenses | - | RV ライセンス | ユーザー利用はありません | 無し | |
Scenes | - | シーン | Sequenceと同様にshotのグループとしてタスク管理。 | Assets Cuts Launches Shots |
Used in various ways by studios depending on how their nomenclature works. Mocap studios can use this to track Scenes from a feature film script, which is continuous action in a specific location. FX studios will sometimes use this to specify a group of Sequences, although some of our clients think about it the other way around and have multiple Scenes in every Sequence (we were surprised to find such a wide usage of this term, even in the same studio). Of course, people also refer to their "Scene files" which are used for Shots! Use any way you like. |
Scripts (ApiUser) | 基本 | スクリプト | ShotgunAPIと接続するために必要なKeyの生成と管理 | 無し | Used to generate a Key that your API scripts use to connect and login to your Shotgun instance. We recommend using 1 Script per script, which allows you to monitor what each script is doing in the event log (handy when there is a rogue script that is pegging the database). |
Sequences | 基本 | シーケンス | Shotのまとまり、グループとしてタスク管理。 | Assets Cuts Episodes Shots |
Used to organize Shots into groups, often as part of continuous action across multiple locations (see Scene above). Shots can be linked to one Sequence, and a Sequence has many Shots. Assets can be linked to more then one Sequence, which is often used by feature animation or mocap studios who break down a script before the Shots are defined by Editorial. |
Shoot Day | - | 撮影日 | 出演する役者やスタッフ、および撮影場所などを記載したcall sheet の役割として使用。 | Assets Performers Scenes |
Built for mocap studios to track information by the calendar day of a shoot. In theory, this could be used by live action studios as well. When planning for the future, this entity can be used to make "call sheet" like pages. You can link Scenes to a Shoot Day, and therefore all Assets linked to that Scene can be queried (the list of assets needed on set that day). You can also link Performers to Shoot Days to define when they are needed on set. During the shoot, you can link the other mocap entities to the Shoot Day, such as Mocap Takes, Mocap Setups, and Mocap Routines. It is often desirable to know what Shoot Day a Take was captured on. |
Shots | 基本 | ショット | 基本となるShotページ | Assets Elements Launches Mocap Takes Ranges Parent Shots Scenes Sequences Sub Shots |
Used to track, well, Shots. Shots can be linked to one Sequence or Scene and multiple Assets. Multiple Tasks, Notes, Publish Events, and Versions are linked to Shots. |
Slates | - | スレート | スレート(カチンコ、ボールド)の情報を記録します。Shots情報にリンクされます。 | 無し | Used to track Slate information from a live action shoot. The Slates can then be linked to Elements, which are linked to Shots. |
Task | 基本 | タスク | 基本となるTaskページ | Taskの発生するすべてのエンティティ | Used to track each unit of work that needs to be done as part of a workflow and schedule. Tasks can be linked to one parent entity in the "Link" field, such as an Asset, Shot, or Sequence. Currently, our schedules are made up of a flat list of Tasks, so there are no subtasks. But because the Tasks are linked to entities, you can query and display the Tasks in many ways. |
Task Templates | 基本 | タスクテンプレート | ShotやAssetのパイプラインに対して、一括でタスクの登録ができます。 | 無し | Used to predefine sets of Tasks and default values that can be added to other entities at once. Each Task Template is linked to an Entity that the Tasks are used for. Those entities then have a "Task Template" field that can be edited to apply the linked Tasks. |
Tickets | 基本 | チケット | バグのトラッキングとして使用できますが、Shotgunでは、Releases、Revisionとのリンクとしても使用できます。 またTicketsは情報共有のスレッドとしても使用できます。 |
Releases Revisions |
Used for software development to track features, bugs, and issues (all of which are "types"). Tickets can be linked to more then one Release, to Tools, and to other Tickets. Multiple Revisions and Time Logs can be linked to Tickets. |
Time Logs | 基本 | タイムログ | 作業時間を入力することで、各作業者とタスクのタイムログをカウントすることができます。 | 無し | Used to track durations of time spent by People working on a Task or Ticket. A special "Time Logged" field on Tasks and Tickets displays the sum of all Time Logs linked to that Task or Ticket. |
Tools | - | ツール | ツールやソフトウエア開発のタスク設定 | 無し | Used to break down software development work into Projects (or "application"). Tickets can be linked to Tools, and Tools can be linked to Releases. |
Versions | 基本 | バージョン | レビューを受けるために作成されたイメージ。一般的にはムービーファイルなど。ほとんどのものはAssetsやShotsで見ることができる。 | 無し | An iteration of work that is created for review. Often this is a rendered image sequence that is then turned into a movie file with a slate and burn-in. We mostly see Versions on Assets and Shots, though we have seen studios link Versions to Scenes (the Layout dept doing work across the entire Scene). |