原文 https://substance3d.adobe.com/documentation/sadoc/version-4-1-255426610.html
Substance 3D Sampler 4.1.0では、新しいPaint WarpフィルターとEmbroideryフィルターの改良版が導入されました。このアップデートには、3Dキャプチャーに関するいくつかの改良が含まれています。
リリース日 2023年3月28日
Paint Warp フィルター
Paint Warp フィルターでは、2Dビューにカーブを描くことでマテリアルをワープさせることができます。直線化オプションでは、マテリアルを再調整して、シームレスなタイリングのワークフローを簡単に実現できます。
Embroidery フィルター
4.1.0 Cannoli
(Release date: 28 March, 2023)
- [Content] New Embroidery filter
- [Content] New Paint Warp filter
- [UI] Add Export option in File menu
- [3D Capture] Back button is now available on the alignment step
- [3D Capture] Images Handle JPEG EXIF orientation
- [3D Capture] Scripting - New dataset_info.camera property
- [3D Capture] Add Linux support (see documentation)
- [3D Capture] Verify read access of the imported images
- [Onboarding] Learn - 2 new tutorials (Embroidery and Paint Warp)
- [Onboarding] Updated What's New content
- [3D Capture] Keep camera position when changing version
- [3D Capture] Merge all groups of an object into one
- [3D Capture] Renamed generated meshes into Original
- [Application] Crash when trying to generate thumbnail of a non-existent image
- [Assets] Trash bin icon does nothing in the Assets panel
- [Content] Updating filters with material slots doesn't work as expected
- [Export] Possible crash when exporting an asset with specific filters
- [Export] SBS/SBSAR Export - image import layers had priority over image parameters
- [Export] UE4 Export preset doesn't work with PNG
- [Layers] Crash when dropping a material and a filter at the same time from OS explorer
- [Layers] Crash when dragging any SBSAR file with any image file
- [Layers] Embroidery opacity channel can be completely white
- [Localization] Chinese language may be displayed by default on Linux
- [Performance] Fixed a memory issue when removing a layer from an asset
- [Project] Possible crash when saving
- [UI] Add missing spacing on Version's menu button
- [UI] Cancel button not properly displayed
- [UI] Disable sliders animation for 3D Capture post-process parameters
- [UI] The Material Creation Template window does not close itself when clicking outside
- [UI] The filter quick accessor closes itself when clicking outside