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# Unpack the Houdini tarball.
tar zxf houdini-X.Y.ZZZ-linux_x86_64_gcc4.4.tar.gz

# Dive into the installer directory.
cd houdini-X.Y.ZZZ-linux_x86_64_gcc4.4

# Run the Houdini installer in silent mode to install a copy onto the shared folder.
# It is assumed that the shared folder is mounted at /mnt/hq.
./houdini.install --no-menus --no-license --make-dir /mnt/hq/houdini_distros/hfsX.Y.ZZZ-linux-x86_64

# Create a non-versioned symbolic link to the Houdini installation.
# HQueue render and simulation jobs by default look for Houdini at $HQROOT/houdini_distros/hfs.$HQCLIENTARCH
# where $HQROOT maps to the shared folder mount point and $HQCLIENTARCH maps to linux-x86_64
# for 64-bit Linux machines.
cd /mnt/hq/houdini_distros
ln -sf hfsX.Y.ZZZ-linux-x86_64 hfs.linux-x86_64:



# Run the Houdini installer in silent mode to install a copy onto the shared folder.
# It is assumed that the shared folder is mapped at H:.
# HQueue render and simulation jobs by default look for Houdini at $HQROOT/houdini_distros/hfs.$HQCLIENTARCH
# where $HQROOT maps to the shared folder mount point and $HQCLIENTARCH maps to windows-x86_64
# for 64-bit Windows machines.
houdini-X.Y.ZZZ-win64-vc9.exe /S /MainApp=Yes /InstallDir=H:\houdini_distros\
    /ApprenticeLicensing=No /DesktopIcon=No /FileAssociations=No /HoudiniServer=No
    /HQueueServer=No /HQueueClient=No /IndustryFileAssociations=No /LicenseServer=No
    /Registry=No /StartMenu=No

Mac OSXクライアントマシンの共有フォルダにHoudiniのをインストールするには?

クライアントマシンにHoudiniをダウンロードし、初めにインストーラーを使用してローカルフォルダへHoudiniをインストールする必要があります。Houdiniがインストールされた後、HQueueサーバーマシンから/Library/HQServer/bin/ スクリプトのコピーをドラッグします。


# Run the script to copy the Houdini distribution
# from the local system and paste it into the shared folder.
# Use the -v option to specify the Houdini version.
# Use the -d option to specify the destination folder.
# It is assumed that the shared folder is mounted at /Volumes/hq.
python -v X.Y.ZZZ -d /Volumes/hq/houdini_distros/hfsX.Y.ZZZ.macosx-x86_64

# Create a non-versioned symbolic link to the Houdini installation.
# HQueue render and simulation jobs by default look for Houdini at $HQROOT/houdini_distros/hfs.$HQCLIENTARCH
# where $HQROOT maps to the shared folder mount point and $HQCLIENTARCH maps to macosx-x86_64
# for 64-bit Mac OSX machines.
cd /Volumes/hq/houdini_distros
ln -sf hfsX.Y.ZZZ-macosx-x86_64 hfs.macosx-x86_64

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